Meet the Squad

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We’re comfortable being the geniuses behind the scenes, but sometimes people want to know who we are.


Don’t know where to start? Choose a chapter, and let our programming powers take you there.

Chapter I: Humble Beginnings
Chapter II: Burning Passions
Chapter III: Behind The Names
Chapter IV: Hidden Treasures




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To most people, Andeng and Friends™ at first glance would just look like a group of 10 awkward and quiet students who wanted to graduate. We somehow agree with that idea, since that was our first impression of each other when the group was formed for our subjects in Pagsulat, and Empowerment Technologies. After a bumpy start of corny cheers, exaggerated skits, and last-minute presentations, we started to live up to our group name as we establish a closer friendship beyond groupworks and projects.

What makes Andeng and Friends™ unique are the qualities that each individual possesses. Everyone has their own role to play, and each distinct personality compliments the others. With the combined ideas of everyone in the group, we push through various tasks presented to us. We celebrate on receiving high marks, and motivate each other to do better when we get low ones. Yes, we aim for high grades, but we always keep in mind to crack some jokes, enjoy the process, and create some memories along the way.

From sending the assigned part at midnight to lending a lagging laptop, the contributions that everyone pitches in are always considered valuable and essential to the success of the output that we produce. So yes, we might look like a bunch of awkward and quiet students, but we are also a group of 10 people who would want to look back on these days when everyone made genuine friendship with each other, no matter how high or low the marks were.

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It’s pretty simple. We believe in having a good time while doing what we love, and we do love what we do. From spreading awareness about different social issues, to simply being passionate- we will continuously try to make this world a little bit better than how we found it. It’s quite a big ambition, but hey, that’s how we were taught to think in Maksci.

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Allow us to introduce ourselves!

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Can’t get enough of Andeng and Friends™? Don’t you worry! We’ve prepared other content that are just as good as the ones you’ve already seen. You can also click here to look at more cool stuff made by us.


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