Teenagers Translate French and Filipino Words


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Andeng and Friends™ had the opportunity to shoot a video with Clement Andréa- 12-Quisumbing’s friendly and kind exchange student from France. Here is our attempt to pronounce translated Filipino and French words!

source: http://whatculture.com/tv/17-annoying-mistakes-you-never-noticed-in-friends?page=8

Truly, the best ice breaker is to try and understand each other’s language. We all enjoyed in getting to know more about Clement, and his country’s culture. And of course, we are grateful since he gave up a few hours of his time for us.

source: https://tenor.com/view/thank-you-crying-sad-happy-joyful-gif-7364337

The video and experience showed us that no matter how different we are- may it be race, ethnic background, or views in life, it should not stop us in trying to understand and care for one another.

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